Learning Loss and Zoom Fatigue
Ed.D. Educational Leadership EDS 280 Rethinking Leadership: Reflective Journal #5
On a Previous Post you saw the details from the latest collab with the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation and the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA. The STEAM Collaborative was contracted to design and train the Enrichment Leaders on STEAM Cultural Activities to assist with Learning Loss for students to do during Distance Learning Fatigue and Zoom Fatigue. The Hechinger Report features “5 ways schools hope to fight Covid-19 learning loss”. Here are also “5 Tips to Avoid Online Classroom Fatigue”.
STEAM Activity on Displacement Dancing
Compared to face to face, texting and using social media,
Dr. Jeffrey Hall
energy use during a Zoom call is higher.
As an adult, I’ve also suffered from Virtual Burnout in 2020. I would sign up for so many virtual meetings and webinars. I quickly learned that I’m not the most attentive in webinars and that I am much more engaged when it is a meeting where the chat and comments are buzzing. Fosslien and Duffy include some adult-friendly solutions on “How to combat Zoom fatigue”. My favorite two are: Switch to phone calls or email, and For external calls, avoid defaulting to video, especially if you don’t know each other well. It has helped me a lot to just do simple phone calls or text messages when appropriate. It has also been nice participating on Zoom calls with everyone’s camera off. It allows us to remain engaged while using other features like the recording for meeting minutes or to share with those who are absent.

Now combining the two as an adult virtual learner, I have had to recognize Zoom Fatigue. Then, I must acknowledge it and solve it. For me, that usually looks like turning off my camera and taking my computer into the kitchen with me to eat or prepare tea. I have also moved to a comfortable place on my couch or onto the floor to stretch. I was never one to wildly embrace sitting at a desk all day, and now I am able to move around with a lot less judgement on the other side of a screen.
I’m praying for the best for all of us learners out there, especially the children who may not be aware when they are fatigued or know how to solve it. It is my hope that the activities I provide over the next few months will stimulate the desire for the scholars and enrichment leaders to learn more about STEM, STEAM, and themselves.