F.A.N.C.Y. Teen Girls Expo
The 8th Annual F.A.N.C.Y. Teen Girls Expo!
Saturday April 28, 2018
9AM – 2PM
A one-day expo designed to increase the self-esteem and self-efficacy of teenage girls in underserved communities. The expo brings girls together, in a positive and safe environment, and encourages them to lead productive and purposeful lives.
S.T.E.A.M. FAIR featuring Microsoft & Sony!
College 2 Careers Workshops for College Ladies!
This event is all about inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging girls age 11 & Up!
Workshops on:
- Join The Code Movement (hosted by UCSD Graduate Women in Computing)
- Strengthening Confidence & Self-Esteem
- Who Am I? Exploring Self Identity
- Healthy Mind (Mental Health Awareness hosted by MHA)
- Surviving High School & College
- Many More!
Tag:girls, high school, middle school, Shared With Us, teens