Scholarships for STEAM Academy
FREE Scholarships through The STEAM Collaborative!!
For the first 2 families, the planning team has offered to cover a portion of registration, and The STEAM Collaborative will cover the remaining fees!
Please email to apply or with a peer recommendation. Jasmine will respond with more information about the event and the application information.
8/6/18-8/10/18 S(TEAM)2 Summer Academy for Middle School Students (entering 6th– 8th)
8/6/18-8/10/18 S(TEAM)2 Summer Academy for High School Students (entering 9th – 12th)
Eligibility criteria for the scholarship:
– Students must qualify for free lunch
– Students must be entering the 6th-12th grade
– Students must return the application by May 1
– Students and at least a parent/guardian must attend the camp orientation on the afternoon of Sunday, August 5th on USD’s campus.
Another FREE Event!
8/11/18 Register for the STEAM Youth and Community Conference (It Always Sells Out!)