Online Tutoring + Education All of the students I have tutored have left our sessions smiling with a pleasantly changed mindset about mathematics! Jasmine L. Sadler, MBA, BSE I’m Excited to announce Online Tutoring + Education is officially OPEN! I …
Thank you to the resources provided by San Diego Unified School District to keep the students on course with learning expectations! Instructional Resources Current Tutoring Plan I will continue to meet with my current tutoring clients online. They have grown …
Sept. 12, 2015 This year has been the most fantastic journey of my life. I now know that I was not made to do anything different than Adorn the already beautiful lives of people. Adorn really comes from my initial …
My client and friend I-eXcel brought me a practice exam with no answers. We went through it, and I enjoyed this problem so much, I decided to bless your soul with it! Which statement is true about 101 consecutive integers …