Online Tutoring + Education
All of the students I have tutored have left our sessions smiling with a pleasantly changed mindset about mathematics!
Jasmine L. Sadler, MBA, BSE
I’m Excited to announce Online Tutoring + Education is officially OPEN!
I am really loving how things are changing during this time of uncertainty. It has brought my company full circle (360 degrees) back to the Mathematics Tutoring company as it once began! I realized that I learned math a bit differently than my teachers taught it to the class. I never wanted to be solely responsible for students’ education, yet I wanted to expand what the students learned in the classroom. That has always been the foundation for The STEAM Collaborative.
My current tutoring clients are 8th grade and 10th grade students in The San Diego Unified School District. The district has done a good job with the curriculum and content shared online. However, many of these math concepts need to be taught in a way that the students can relate and understand. I am happy and proud to say that all of the students I have tutored have left our sessions smiling with a pleasantly changed mindset about mathematics!
First, I will catch the students up to where in-school coursework ended before COVID-19/Coronavirus. Most students were already falling behind with that curriculum. Then, I plan to complete the recommended lesson plan posted on the school district’s website. Finally, my favorite part is to extend their education to the application of the concept that they are learning. As an engineer, I like to highlight what is most necessary for the student to understand while learning math. I also find applications to their planned career field or personal interests like soccer, interior design, or the arts. With enough traction, I look forward to offering group sessions as well!
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FREE Math Tutoring for the month of April 2020 due to COVID-19 and School Closures nationwide! Please book at