The Startup Squad: Tips for Girl CEOs
Email your tip for a girl opening her first lemonade stand to:
Just Start!
-Jasmine L. Sadler, MBA, CEO + Visionary, The STEAM Collaborative
Listen to your heart and to your customers, and you will know where to grow next.

The Startup Squad did a program with Girls Inc of NYC in which we are arranging for the donation of over 7,000 copies of The Startup Squad to their underserved girls. As part of that program, we asked female leaders to share one tip for a girl opening her first lemonade stand and will be sharing those tips with the girls and on our social media channels. I’d love to get a tip from you and any of the STEAM leaders you think would be willing to share their thoughts and be role models for these girls. All they have to do is send me an email with their tip and how they would like to be cited for it.
Click here some of the current tips!
Tag:Advice, CEO, Entrepreneurship, girls, Shared With Us, startup, STEAM Leaders